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Bangkok, Thailand


Thailand is plagued with all the problems that face young girls around the globe; however, what happened last night was insane and downright unbelievable. On my way back to my hotel, I see a group of four men and a young girl sitting next to a café across the street. The men look Russian judging by their appearance and the language they spoke.

They yell something at me, drunk and obnoxious. There is an older man in his fifties with a face that life had chewed on with no remorse. The two other men seemed to be in their thirties, with the youngest being closer to eighteen. The girl looks scared sitting meekly at the table while the men ramble loudly. I go up to my room and about an hour later, I hear them enter the room right next to mine. For the next couple of hours, I hear the horrifying sounds of men brutalizing the little girl. They are laughing, but she is sobbing and wailing for them to stop.

At this point, I am panicking knowing that I can't confront four adult men on my own, so I try to get some help from the hotel. It is late, and no one is at the front desk and quite frankly they look the other way in Thailand, so I had to act.

When I hear a door slam, I look through the peephole and see the two older men walking away. The other two were still in the room yelling at her. So I make a judgment call and decide to walk over and pound on the door.

The big, fat, ugly one answers the door, naked and very drunk. He has a look of invincibility that shoots a burst of adrenaline through my veins I scream at him, “Enough! All of a sudden he grabs me hard, yelling, “Well, why you don’t help her out, bitch?” I totally freak out, twisting around I kick him in the groin as forcefully as I can. He falls forward, and I slam him in the head. As fate would have it I had just bought a big metal ring with huge spikes on it the day before, so down he goes with blood spurting everywhere. Thank God, I had been taking Gracie Jujitsu in the States for about a year; because it pays off big time.

I notice the little girl sitting on the bed naked, clutching a pillow. Her eyes are swollen red, staring blindly at me. The bodily fluid has leaked from her body staining the sheets .Sitting next to her was the younger man frozen like a deer in headlights. I think it happened so quickly that he didn't have time to react. The old, grotesque man was still grabbing his groin screaming he was going to kill me. I look at the girl and motion for her to come to me. I grab her as fast as I can and run next door. Thank God they didn’t see where we had gone to as we ran away. As I look at her, I see blood and feces running down her leg., those animals; I want to castrate them all!

Unfortunately, in many countries, poor girls are forced to perform the worst sex acts for money. I put her in the shower and hear her sobbing. My heart is breaking, and I am still trying to process what just happened. As she comes out of the bathroom, I realize she is much younger than I first estimated, maybe twelve years old. We are both shaking uncontrollably, and she isn't consoled so easily. I feel the fragility of her little body as she holds on to me for dear life. I wrap her in a blanket and put her into bed. I sit on a chair in front of the door, guarding her like a mamma bear.

I feel like I'm living in a terrifying dream. I try to push through my unmitigated terror throughout the long night. These men are as scary as they come, vicious and extremely dangerous. As morning breaks, I dress her, and we run out to the street to get her a cab. Threats to family members by pimps control girls like her in all countries. So they go back to their captures to protect their families, enduring a life of unbearable hell.

Beasts had devoured this poor child, and there was nothing I could do except hope and pray for her.

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